Al Majara Business & Development

Al Majara Business & Development was established in 2011 in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Our Projects are 100% internally due to our multi ethnic environment and skill differentiation



Many websites e web-application (CRM, email clients, etc…) are protected by Firewalls, but hackers have grown smarter ever since.

So Firewalls may grant access to the port 80 even to a hacker in disguise with unpleasant consequences. Rebound sits in between your existing Firewall and any server within your infrastructure. Working in team with your Firewall, Rebound extends the security features not only based on WHO is accessing, but specifically to WHAT are they requesting.

A generic web query can be normally rerouted by the Firewall’s DNS without checking the potential risk. Rebound is designed to instantly process a variety of controls and give the green light or the red light accordingly. Rebound is optimised to handle the most common threats suchas but not limited to HTTP Policies, SQL Injections, XSS Attacks and Scanners. It has also been tailor made to suit the most popular CMS such as Joomla, WordPress and PhpBB.


Check our Services

Business intelligence

We are living in a world driven by real-time information. Mobile devices, social networks and real-time information are changing the way we do business and take decisions within an organisation.
Business intelligence is the set of techniques and tools for the transformation of raw data into meaningful and useful information for business analysis purposes.
BI technologies are capable of handling large amounts of unstructured data to help identify, develop and otherwise create new strategic business opportunities. The goal of BI is to allow for the easy interpretation of these large volumes of data.
Identifying new opportunities and implementing an effective strategy based on insights can provide businesses with a competitive market advantage and long-term stability.

Web Development

A Content Management System is a computer program that allows publishing, editing and modifying content as well as maintenance from a central interface.
Such systems of content management provide procedures to manage workflow in a collaborative environment. These procedures can be manual steps or an automated cascade.
Our Awards in Oman:

  • ITA Strategic Government Website Award
  • His Majesty eGovernment Award for G2B
  • 2nd place His Majesty eGovernment Award for eContent
  • Training

    • Networks management and security
    • Software development methodology
    • Adobe Suites
    • Website development
    • Holistic training
    • Visual communication

    Open Source

    Al Majarah has designed and deployed an extraordinary Web infrastructure aimed to guarantee 100% uptime service.
    Through Open Source technology we have implemented the first governmental Linux hosting within ITA premises.
    We have granted and delivered 100% up-time for over a year and protected the websites from millions of hacking attempts.
    We can proudly say that we are running the safest server in Oman.

    Fire protection that never sleeps

    Bonpet is a leading European brand in the field of extinguishing systems, founded in 1999. It has expanded to more than 40 countries worldwide and 5 continent, as a result, Bonpet has been granted rights for European, American and South American markets.


    OCTA Light

    Octa Light is completely vertically integrated manufacturer of LED packages, LED modules, LED lamps and LED luminaires. The company also offers complete lighting solutions accomplishing a variety of lighting projects with its own range of LED luminaires. Further to the core lighting business Octa Light offers Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) for various industries like industrial electrical and electronics equipment, consumer house- hold electronics, communication equipment, etc.

    Al Majarah is an authorized cetificated reperesentative for Octa Light products in Sultanate of Oman.

    Learn More
    I love Oman


    The “I love OM” slogan and logo was developed to promote tourism, business and Deals in Oman. Created by Al Majarah B&D, it was first used in 2014. The use of a heart as a symbol for the word “love” has been widely imitated in different countries.

    There’s a simplicity here that can’t be beat.



    Contact Us


    Muscat, Gala, Block 262, Way 192, 5th floor
    Office No 505, Building No 289/1


    +968 24951552

    +968 91144336

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